Namushasha River Lodge

There you are, sitting on the terrace high above the Kwando and so hidden in the jungle of its riparian zone that no human would find you. But you overlook everything, the river, the wonderful refuge of buffalo herds and elephants and the endless landscape that changes its color glow in the rhythm of the setting sun.

Namushasha River Lodge is a magical place. An indescribable idyll with 24 bungalow rooms that meet the highest standards. Listen: Hundreds of bird species sing their throats out, reed frogs whistle their scale up and down, the hippo grunts to himself and the elephants in the riparian scrub trumpet the command to switch on the stars. Then it’s over, only you are still sitting there. The lights on the “Safari Terrace” enchant the hours and the Kwando ripples a little night music. It is what it is, even if it sounds like a fairy tale.

And the days? The days sing the same melody in a different key. The song of happiness, relaxation by the pool, the excitement of what might be rustling in the shore grass, the indulgence of proverbial Gondwana hospitality, and the ever-present feeling of being a part of nature. Because wherever you walk, lie or sit – even in the semi-open restaurant – the spectacular action in the river landscape is always there.

Accommodation facilities

  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Swimming pool with cold water
  • Souvenir boutique
  • Mobile connectivity
  • WLAN available
  • Safe parking
  • Security measures in place
  • Laundry service
A smiling older man in a white shirt.
Tour Consultant
Pascal Assemat
from €69
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